Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Assingment #4

So many people who live in the same place see the world so differently because of the amount of information out there now, whether it's true or not people are guliable and this has always been true. But now in the 21st century (the age of technology) it's increasing. New Media plays a huge role in this, with all the information on websites and such EVERYONE is giving input. Whether it's from their blog, soical networking site or whatever. The fact is they can give any information they want and they can do really fast. This becomes a big problem with all the BS out there. So i believe what many of the authors said about the truth becoming somewhat unknown to an extent. But there is reliable sources and will always be i think the problem is weeding through the crap out there, and not believing what your friend said on facebook. Rumors have always been around but now with our quick getting society they're most prominant. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Exam # 1

About.Me (Blogster) -
Review  1.)
2.) Review # 2 is on the same page as my first post, it's the first comment at the bottom in the comment area

video of blogster in action;
About.Me is an application other wise known as Blogster. This application is a blogging service that features specific blogs due to interest of the blogger. It maintains an online community of users who publish content, images, video and more. Blogster members can network and collaborate by creating a blog, building a personalized profile, creating friend lists, com menting on articles and interacting in an online community. Blogster is positioned on simplicity, and easy-to-use settings options. Compared to other blogging services, Blogster also if different than other blog sites because of it's spam-free serice.
I think that Blogster is new media because it allows use to interact and send information so fast and that's what new media is all about faster information sending. According to Levinston's categories it falls into the chapter about Blogging becuase it is a blogging site after all. But also what Levinston said about the consumers becoming the producers because that's what blogging is about you can post your ideas and be credited and give other people credit for theirs.

Yogile- photo sharing site

Yogile is a simple, very easy to use application. It's a photo sharing and holding site, users can upload pictures and share them to anyone. Also users can send a unique URL to non Yogile users which allows them to upload images. It's not on the most popular photo sites but the site plans that they will and have been getting more popular. Also you might wanna use Yogile instead of other photo sites because it's simple and you can do so many different things such as edit photos with a very good tool to change them. But also because of the unique URL feature that the site has.

It's a new media because it relates to Levintson's idea that any social networking or sharing site is such a fast way to keep in touch. Yogile is kinda like an Flicker but without all the popualrity. You can post photos but also give people feedback so it's some what of a social network. That's what's happening to all sites, they're all turning into social networking sites and that's new media.


Reviews for the site:

Hashable- twitter dashboard

Hashable is a twitter application that can be a fun new way to post meaningful connections with people and see who else in your community is connecting with. You can also use email and you can tell everyone of the interactions you have been having. It's almost like a social profile for twitter or your email, and unlike on twitter when it's easy to lose tweets it's easier to keep track of them with hashable.

Hashable is just like twitter and is for twitter to add kicks, so levinston talked about these social networking sites and how they are new media. Hashable is a fast way to keep in touch and keep your stories.

Ping. music sharing site

Ping is a application from apple working with itunes to help people find music in a more efficent way. Also it helps people find similar people with similar music tastes so they can find new music. It runs a little bit like twitter in the sense of artists tweet (so to speak) when news or music is here or on it's way. Services inside Ping access band websites such as their offical websites and relay information to Ping

I think it would fall under Levinston's chapter on podcasts and twitter because i think it's a service that use both at the same time as one application. And that's what's happening all these sites are adding things to do so you can do everything on their site, and that i think is going to happen, i think people will use one website most of the time and it's going to be interesting to see which one wins. But also sites are allowing to use other sites within their site so that's what i mean

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blog Assingment # 3

Bush's article left a lasting impression on me. I think it's so interesting that Bush's ideas are so previlant today. I think this is one of the major reasons there is a World Wide Web today. As well as hus creation of the memex, it's obvious that this guy knew what was going to happen because it's already here and happening. I think the idea of hypertext is one the best things to ever happen, and i know that Mr Greenberg thinks it's the best invention in the 21st century. I think that the hyperlink made it so everything is right at your finger tips which makes everything easier to access. But in a bigger realm i think this changes how we think about the world and things we do. I think that there are no beginnings and endings but just a constant of messages circulating around that people use.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Chapters 1 & 2

In the first chapter of Levinson's book "Why New New Media" it discusses why new media is so important is is growing so rapidly and it's very important for us to understand it and see where it's going. He gives a introduction to why the field is so important it's do's and undo's. Also he talked about how media is one of the most powerful things out there in society. Chapter 2 titled Blogging is about how just that blogging. He discussed what it was and what you can do with it. Blogging is a good way to keep thoughts as well present information to many people in a fast and efficient way. What a blog is, is a partof website for a person to have their own personal page to post the stories they wish to. Many blogs are interactive, which means outside people can post on them and contribute. Just like social networking spaces the most recent posts go towards the top and follow down to the bottom by old posts. Blogs are a great way to get your voice heard and be an interactive part of the vast internet world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Media Assingment # 1 Due 9th

Out of all the articles you posted  feel i got the most out of the Frankstein one by Allison McConnell one and why the future doesn't need us. I think that technology is a very good thing but as most of the authors pointed out it can have negative consequences. But not only that once new technology comes out, there is no way back, and i do firmly believe that. I think we do and do not have a choice to embrace technology, because yes we have the choice to use it or not, but in the same realm society can impose these technologies so we have to use them. So like i said there is no way of going back, once we embark on the next advanced technology that's it for many old technologies. The consequences of today's technologies are unknowable, however i think a few things are being lost, like personal communication with others, and interaction. Yes many things are becoming easier, we don't necessarily have to buy things at stores, we don't need to talk directly to our friends but i think that the further we advance the less direct/personal interaction we will have and i don't know if that's a good thing. One of my personal biggest worries are, (not that i would consider it a worry) but i know as we advance further with technology,  a lot of jobs will be created, but i feel more jobs will be lost.  What are people going to be doing in the future, from what i can predict, they're not going to be doing much. Yes we will have many things to keep us entertained and such but what will most people be doing? i don't know We are most certainly playing "God"? as much as i hate the term, because it's so useless because there are so many different definitions. Are we going down a road that we like though, i mean anyone who thinks advancements in technology is a bad road is a liar. Because think about it, in war you want the most high tech weapons, i don't think many people wanna fight with their bare hands. Everyone uses technology, EVERYONE! the moral of the story is we have to control the technology, not let it control us.