Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Assingment #4

So many people who live in the same place see the world so differently because of the amount of information out there now, whether it's true or not people are guliable and this has always been true. But now in the 21st century (the age of technology) it's increasing. New Media plays a huge role in this, with all the information on websites and such EVERYONE is giving input. Whether it's from their blog, soical networking site or whatever. The fact is they can give any information they want and they can do really fast. This becomes a big problem with all the BS out there. So i believe what many of the authors said about the truth becoming somewhat unknown to an extent. But there is reliable sources and will always be i think the problem is weeding through the crap out there, and not believing what your friend said on facebook. Rumors have always been around but now with our quick getting society they're most prominant. 

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